Scientific Guidelines

Scientific guidelines (human and veterinary)
  1. Implementation strategy of ICH Guideline M12 on drug interaction studies
  2. Nilotinib hard capsules 50, 150 and 200 mg product-specific bioequivalence guidance
  3. Methylphenidate, prolonged-release tablet 18 mg, 27 mg, 36 mg and 54 mg and modified release capsule 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg and 60 mg product-specific bioequivalence guidance
  4. Draft reflection paper on the use of information in European Union herbal monographs and assessment reports for borderline issues
  5. Paclitaxel (nanoparticle albumin-bound) powder for suspension for infusion, 5mg/ml