The European College of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (ECVPT), as part of the European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS), has the duties to set and monitor the standards of the residency programmes under its auspices. The “day-1-competences” describe the knowledge, skills and attributes required of veterinary specialists in veterinary pharmacology and toxicology upon obtaining their diploma (certification) to ensure that they are prepared for their role as specialists and work independently.
Competence has been defined as “the ability to perform the roles and tasks required by one’s job to the expected standard.” The standard of competence expected at any given time will vary with experience and responsibility, and it is recognised that the day-1- competences represent a specialist in veterinary pharmacology and toxicology at the start of their career. Competence is therefore a relative term, both in terms of task and fluency in its execution, and increasing levels of competence will be expected throughout the professional’s career.
First E&R Seminar Series a big success
The first Diplomate Lecture Series, organised by the Education and Residency Committee was a huge success. Held on Wednesday May 26th, the topics discussed were related to environmental toxicity.
To access the presentation slides, please click on the links to Dr. Kuntz' presentation on "Environmental risk assessment for Veterinary Medicinal Products" and Dr. Giraudel's presentation on the "Environmental risks of companion animal parasiticide products"
The second seminar covered current topics in mycotoxins. Dr. Fink-Gremmels covered the current status of mycotoxicoses in veterinary medicine and Dr. Croubels addressed diagnostic and analytical tools to determine mycotoxins.
A complete list of requirements for residencies can be found in the Residency training brochure. In brief, an applicant should:
- be licensed to practice veterinary medicine and surgery in the countries of the European Community of the European Free Trade Association, unless relieved of this obligation by the Board;
- have a satisfactory moral and ethical standard in the profession. Evidence of personal or legal misconduct, such as misrepresentation or convicted felony, may be sufficient reason to reject an application;
- by the time of the certifying examination, have devoted at least forty-eight (48) months after the date of graduation from veterinary school, to specific education, training, and practice in veterinary pharmacology and toxicology
This 4-year period should usually be divided as follows:
- an internship of at least one (1) and in some instances two (2) years, plus
- a residency (standard or alternative) of at least three (3) years.
After successful completion of an internship, the applicant needs to complete the Resident Application From and submit this form to the Credentials Committee.
Preliminary list of required books
Preliminary list of required articles
Preliminary list of required other resources
One of the requirements during the Residency is the completion of written reports. The specifics of these reports can be found in the Residency training brochure and below are examples of written reports.
Prospective residents can enrol in either a Standard Residency Programme within a recognised Residency Training Centre, or in an Alternate Residency Programme.
Residency training centres may consist out of close collaboration between Diplomates from more than one institution in the form of a consortium. The institutes involved in training residents must be approved by the Education & Residency Committee. Parts of the training may be given at other institutions/locations that offer certain facilities or services not provided by the parent institution. Co-operation between institutions is accepted and encouraged. Each institution will be allowed a specified maximum number of Standard Residency Programmes which will be evaluated and accepted by the Education Committee.
Click on the link for a list of currently approved Residency Training Centres.
There are two types of pre-approved Residency programmes: standard and alternate.
Both standard and alternate residency programmes have identical requirements for training, including publications, presentation log, and activity log, should also be met for an alternate programme. The difference is that the alternate programme is approved for an individual whereas a standard programmes is conducted at an approved residency centre and residents recruited.