Diplomates of EBVS-recognized colleges have to submit their credentials every 5-years to their College for re-evaluation and re-certification of their Diplomate status. The information required for re-evaluation is standardised and included on a form that has been approved by EBVS. The form can be downloaded here: re-certification document. The information required covers the portfolio of Diplomate activities in those past 5 years.The re-evaluation is usually conducted by a committee chaired by the ECVPT Credentials committee chair.
The 2022 deadline for submission of the re-certification document is February 15th 2022. Documents should be submitted to Prof Dr. McKellar via email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
The results of re-evaluations conducted by ECVPT are submitted to EBVS as part of the College's annual return.