On July 19th 2019, ECVPT in collaboration ESVNU hosted the "Pharmacology and the Kidney" at the Royal Veterinary College in Camden, United Kingdom.
The joint scientific meeting was attended by more than 80 delegates from many different European countries. The programme covered 4 pairs of topics, each consisting of a basic pharmacological presentation and a more applied complementary clinical viewpoint of the same or a related topic. The topics ranged from nausea and inappetance in the CKD patient, antimicrobial drug break points and current guidelines on antibiotic use in UTI and RAAS blockade and the management of proteinuria and hypertension. The final session examined new data on bone mineral disturbances in CKD and the cellular signalling pathways of hypoxia in the kidney and their potential use as drug targets.
All the talks provided an up to date evidence based overview of the topic and generated much discussion from the delegates in the breaks. Poster presentations were encouraged from Residents and PhD students and the ECVPT executive committee selected the best one to be presented as a talk during the meeting.
In summary, we were very encouraged by the success of this joint meeting and hope this will be the first in a series where ECVPT unites with other Colleges and Societies within the European Veterinary Community to deliver good quality continuing professional development.
The meeting proceedings can be found here.