The members of the Board are called "officers" of the ECVPT and are elected by all Diplomates during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board consists of six ECVPT Diplomates and the immediate Past president. An officer is elected for a term of three years. As all officers of the College and members of the committees, they serve the College on an honorary basis and receive no payment, except reimbursement of their expenses.
The Board meets once a year and has web meetings as needed. Furthermore, the officers of the Board have regular year round contact by phone and email.
The Board is the executive group of the College. It considers all the business and policies pertaining to the affairs of the College. The Board is responsible for generating strategic plans and for overseeing the operational delivery of these plans by the various Standing Committees of the College. It appoints Standing Committees, selects the time and place of meetings and determines the fees for application, examinations, registrations and other fees. It directs the management of funds held by the College.
Officers of the Board are contact persons not only to the Chairs of the committees and committee members, but also to all ECVPT Diplomates. Proposals to improve procedures and contents of the College as well are welcome and should be directed to the Board. Perceived difficulties or problems should be reported to the Board early on, so pro-active measures can be taken and amicable solutions can be found. However, the Board has to consider and act upon charges against Diplomates for alleged offences against the Constitution and Bylaws of the College or charges of unprofessional conduct and has the authority to recommend the expulsion of a Diplomate for grievous offences.