Members of the American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics and the American College of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology began working in 2012 to develop a consensus list of competencies for day-1 veterinary graduates for pharmacology and therapeutics. The process involved a stand-alone workshop, sessions at AAVPT Biennials, and conference calls and asynchronous work. The working group included Dawn Boothe, Jennifer Buur, Trisha Dowling, Marion Ehrich, Virginia Fajt, Tomas Martin-Jimenez, Lara Maxwell, Katrina Mealey, Paul Mills, Stephen Page, Nicolas Villarino and Arno Werners.
Once the draft list was formed, an additional step was taken, a Delphi study, to finalize the list. You can now access the article published by the Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, through this link. The article is available as "free to view." This means that you can download the article for free, but it is still copyrighted by the journal, so it cannot be posted anywhere or shared.
The full list of the competencies can be accessed via the AAVPT website.